GMAT exam
GMAT test day is really important and crucial moment in your life. But if you want to pass the exam well you should be calm and confident. Let’s talk about the schedule of this day in detail.
You have to arrive to the center in 30 minutes before the exam. If you would be there after your special scheduled time, you may be not allowed to pass the exam.
- After entering the test center you have to show the administrator your valid identification.
- The administrator will take your palm vein pattern, photo and signature. During the test video and audio are recorded in the room.
- Before starting the exam you should agree with the main rules of GMAT.
- During the test you’re not allowed to use gadgets, books, translators and other things that can help you to crib.
- The administrator will give you five note boards which you can use during the test. If they’re filled up, he will give you a new one.
- The exam will begin when you’re seated at the computer.
- During the test there will be two optional breaks; you can rest and eat something to rebuild your strength. You should remember that you’re not allowed to use tobacco, drink or eat in the testing room; you can store these items in the locker and use them during two breaks.
- Mobile phones and other communication devices are not permitted during the exam.
- If you have some problems with a computer, just raise your hand.
- For the AWA you have to write one essay in thirty minutes. Remember that plagiarism is completely unacceptable.
- The section Integrated Reasoning lasts thirty minutes too.
Verbal or Math parts of the test last for seventy five minutes.
- You cannot remove or try to remove test content from the test room and center. Any part of the test content mustn’t be reproduced or disclosed at any time and to any person. For example, you’re not permitted to discuss the test content in the Internet, forum, etc.
- After finishing the test you will be asked some questions about your background, education, future plans, and whether you want receive information from GMAC, scholarship-granting organizations and business schools.
- You should remember that if you don’t follow the given rules your results can be annulled.
- After the test you will receive an unofficial score. Speaking about your official results, they will be available after twenty days after the exam.
If you want to have good results and the perfect scores you shouldn’t be too nervous. Just do the tasks and be concentrated. Wear something comfortable. For example, a classic sweat suit will be perfect.
Hear advice about the GMAT Exam from Business School students like you:
Be calm and confident, and everything will be OK!