GMAT math
The Quantative section of the GMAT (GMAT Math) has multiple-choice format. You should do thirty seven tasks in 75 minutes. The majority of students find the math the most complicated part of the exam. However this section isn’t too advanced or difficult and it will check only your knowledge from the high school. It includes algebra, geometry and arithmetic. But you have to remember that you cannot use the calculator during the exam, so you should be prepared to put your brain into gear.
All the questions can be separated into several groups:
- algebra (a quarter of all tasks);
- arithmetic (about half);
- geometry (a sixth of all tasks);
What should you know?
A lot of candidates are really afraid of the GMAT math section, but if you prepare well, it won’t be any problems. So if you’re going to do all the tasks you have to be able to do the following things without using a calculator:
- find the areas of triangles, rectangles and circles;
- know the standard terms and definitions, for example what an derivative is, etc.
- subtract, add, divide and multiply;
- multiply, add, divide and subtract both negative and positive numbers;
- solve an typical algebraic expression;
- convert decimals to fractions;
- find an average and percentage.
GMAT Math tips and tricks:
What types of question are there in this section?
The parts of the GMAT math are:
Problem Solving Questions
These tasks are a classic variant of typical standardized tests. You have a question and your task is to find a correct variant among five answers.
Data Sufficiency Questions
This part includes one question and two statements of data. Your task isn’t to find an answer, instead of it you have to determine if the statements are enough to find the answer to this question.
Your result in this section will depend on the understanding of the fact how to eliminate answers successfully. This ability will come with practice.
On the math section you can get from zero to sixty points, the result depends on the number of correct answers. The average score in GMAT Math is thirty five.
If you want to pass the Quantative section well you should pay attention to the formulas and special mathematical terms which are usually used in the test. You cannot do the task if you don’t understand it, that’s why you should remember all the basic terms.
Now there is a lot of information in the Internet, and there you can find useful online tests, videos with experts and a great number of the articles which can help you to pass the GMAT well. Also you should buy several basic text-books in which you’ll find a lot of examples of the typical questions and tasks.