GMAT practice (test)
Preparation for the GMAT test isn’t an easy task. It is known that theoretical knowledge is often not enough for success, especially, when we deal with peculiarity of the GMAT.
It isn’t enough to learn a set of rules and formulas; you should still be able to apply them to specific examples of the GMAT test issues. In addition, your time to pass the test will be limited, and only practice will allow you to become more closely acquainted with the types and formulations of questions. Also practice will make you remember algorithms of the typical tasks, so you will be able to answer some specific questions.
How to organize your GMAT practice?
We know that the GMAT will be pretty difficult challenge for you, so start your practice as early as you can.
There is a huge selection of guides of preparation for the GMAT. Some of the best books are officially approved; they include questions of the real tests of previous years (GMAT Official Guide). You can buy the new books or purchase them from students who have just passed the test. In addition, second-hand stores also sell some GMAT books.
Don’t forget about free online GMAT practice tests which are the best way to exercise in solving typical problems and doing the tasks. You should remember that GMAT is the exam with limited time for solving it; the test consists of four main parts. For the first part which is called Analytical Writing Assessment you will be given one hour, Integrated Reasoning – 30 minutes, for Mathematical and Verbal sections GMAC allocate even more - 75 minutes. GMAC provides a list of possible questions for the first part of the test (AWA), so there's no excuse for you if you're not ready for it. Online GMAT practice tests will help you to look through all the parts of the exam except AWA.
Online GMAT practice tests will give you an idea of what to expect from this test and it will help you to determine what kind of your abilities is necessary to work on in the nearest future.
Choose the subjects, which you need to work on, and keep in mind that different parts of the test have to be prepared on different days. You have to take any book with practical exercises GMAT, which you can find, and then systematically study each question until you understand how it should be responded.
The GMAT consists of the series of questions. Of course, all the tasks are different, but the methods that should be used in answering are the same. Discover every type of issues and work out how to respond them.
Learn how to read GMAT reading comprehension passages in the most effective way to set you up for success in answering all types of reading comprehension problems:
Long practice is never a fun pastime or amusement, but many people make it into the challenge, or even a game. Follow your progress and encourage yourself for something that is not behind schedule. At the end, the hard work will be paid off, and you will gain the necessary points.